What are the top 5 benefits of workplace drug testing? There is much anxiety on the part of many employers about conducting a drug testing program. So let’s get back to basics and list, with the help of this article in the Publicist Paper , five reasons to drug test.
Employers are realizing the importance of maintaining a drug-free workplace and are turning to drug testing to ensure their employees are not illegally and inappropriately under the influence of drugs. Drug testing can:
1) Increase Workplace Safety
Drug testing can help increase safety in the workplace by identifying employees who may be under the influence of drugs. Employees who are under the influence of drugs can be a danger to themselves and others. We have a blog post discussing marijuana in the workplace here . Being under influence can slow reaction times, impair judgment, and decrease cognitive ability. Drug testing can help identify these employees and remove them from the workplace.
By implementing a drug testing program, employers can promote a culture of safety, where employees understand the importance of being alert while on the job. Drug testing can also serve as a deterrent to drug use, as employees are less likely to use drugs if they know they will be tested. Random drug testing sends a very powerful message to the workforce. We have a blog post discussing random drug testing.
2) Improve Productivity
Employees who use drugs may have a higher absenteeism rate and lower productivity levels. Drug testing can help identify employees who may be struggling with drug addiction and provide them with resources to overcome their addiction. This can lead to improved productivity and performance. We have recommended against a zero tolerance policy IF the employee is an otherwise productive member of your workforce in this blog post. If the employee is not otherwise productive, then why is the individual in your workforce?
3) Reduce Healthcare Costs
Drug use can lead to a variety of health problems. These health problems can lead to increased healthcare costs for employers. Drug testing can help to identify employees who may be struggling with drug addiction and provide them with the necessary resources to overcome their addiction. We previously discussed how a drug testing program can be very beneficial to substance abusers.
4) Protect Company Reputation
Drug use among employees can have a negative impact on a company’s reputation. It can lead to negative publicity, loss of business, and damage to the company’s image.
5) Reduce Legal Liabilities
Drug testing at work can help reduce legal liabilities. If an employee were to cause harm due to drug or alcohol use, the company could be held liable for damages. Implementing drug testing policies can help mitigate these legal risks and protect the company from potential lawsuits. We have previously discussed the potential embarrassment an employer would face in front of plaintiff counsel if there is no random drug test process.
Drug testing in the workplace can help to increase safety in the workplace, improve productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and protect the company’s reputation.
James P. Randisi, President of Randisi & Associates, Inc., has since 1999 been helping employers protect their clients, workforce and reputation through implementation of employment screening and drug testing programs. This post does not constitute legal advice. Randisi & Associates, Inc. is not a law firm. Always contact competent employment legal counsel. To learn more about the rights of employees who test positive for marijuana, Mr. Randisi can be contacted by phone at 410.494.0232 or Email: info@randisiandassociates.com or the website at randisiandassociates.com