Knowing the facts about marijuana will dispel misperceptions. Knowledge is crucial to being able to present the truth to those who advocate its implementation in society and very importantly into the workplace. It is important information in helping you defend your workplace drug testing policy.
Many companies and individuals have been led to believe that marijuana is harmless, un-addictive and safer than alcohol. DATIA is addressing these misconceptions and providing clear facts that employers can use to defend their drug-free workplace policies. DATIA has developed two brochures that are available for download: one longer version with cited references, and a shorter, bulleted version that can be used as talking points.
Please help spread the word by sharing these brochures with your staff, clients, and associates. DATIA trusts that these two new resources will help our members and their clients continue to attain the goal and proven benefits of a drug-free workplace.
Here is a list of the top ten misperceptions about marijuana. To learn why these are false, just click here to get both the short version and the long version of these valuable brochures:
- Marijuana is harmless.
- Marijuana is medicine.
- The marijuana “high” only lasts for a few hours.
- Presence-in-system testing is unreliable because it does not measure impairment.
- Marijuana is not addictive.
- Marijuana can/should be regulated like alcohol.
- Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
- Marijuana is safer than cigarettes or alcohol.
- There are no long-term effects from marijuana use.
- It is safer to drive with marijuana in your system.