Knowing the facts about marijuana will dispel misperceptions. Knowledge is crucial to being able to present the truth to those who advocate its implementation in society and very importantly into the workplace. It is important information in helping you defend your workplace drug testing policy. Many companies and individuals have been led to believe that […]
Scant evidence that medical marijuana is effective
What if the reasons medical marijuana has been passed in over 20 states weren’t true? A recent article from the New York Times suggests that many studies have found no conclusive proof of any benefits. The article further reports that approval in many states has been based on poor quality studies, patients’ testimonials or other […]
Colorado and medical marijuana
We would like to focus on a couple of issues of the ruling that are obvious and not so obvious. This is a long-awaited decision from the state of Colorado regarding a company’s right to fire a worker using medical marijuana in their off hours. The full judicial decision can be downloaded by clicking here […]
Alcohol and drug abuse is revealed!
Alcohol and drug abuse is revealed in the National Survey on Drug Use (NSDUH). National Survey on Drug Use and Health 05-2015 While looking at charts and statistics can sometimes numb the senses, we present below some very concerning statistics about alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace in this article. Why do we think […]
Federal Government recognizes oral fluid drug testing
We have touted the advantages of oral fluid drug testing over urine drug testing many times in the past. Now those statements have been validated by the US Federal Government. We have listed below what we believe are important points. Each statement is followed by the page number of the actual document. You can read […]